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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

The Foundation for an Abundant Life-Jesus the Open door

The foundation for abundant life begins with Jesus. We are still reading from the book of St. John chapter 10. The verses that help me connect with a foundation for abundant life are verses 7-10. After reading these verses, it is evident that Jesus, is telling those who are listening, to be clear I am the door to an abundant life. Anyone else who has claimed that they are able to do this (give you an abundant life), are robbers and thieves. I (Jesus ) am the door to your abundance, anyone who chooses to come through this door will be saved. Once you enter into the door you will find abundant life, and when you leave out on the assignments if give you will abundance will follow.

This reminds me of Joshua 1vs 2 "...arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them-the children of Israel. vs 3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you as I said to Moses. vs 7 "Only be strong and very courageous...vs 8"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

This passage of scripture is such a great parallel, in my opinion to St. John Chapter 10. God is literally giving Joshua access to abundance which is was apart of his plan to Moses and it continues on with Joshua. This plan is not just for Moses and Joshua, but for all of us who listen to God.

So what does laying a foundation look like? I am so glad you asked. Here are just a few things the Lords spoke to me. Building always begins

#1 a plan-Jeremiah 29:11. God has the blue prints to this plan

#2 Tools-Isaiah 1:16-20 You need the right tools. Listening, Obeying, and Trusting

#3 Execution- Matthew 6:21 You need to execute the plan

#4 Rest Isaiah 26:3 Rest in what God has done through you. Rest in His plan

#5 Fullfillment -Galations 6:10 Let God do what God's Gonna do with His finished work

I pray this helps you gain a different perspective on the Abundant life, or that it expands your perspective. Go through the door Jesus is waiting. For some, you have been peeking in the door through other people. God says now is the time Come on in.

Get your face time in. Let the scriptures today challenge you to a better relationship with God so you can live in the abundance He has for you.

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