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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

"Thanks" Psalms 107-111

This month of thanksgiving has been really good for me. I am learning (on another level) of just how being thankful can bring peace and calmness to to my anxious thoughts.

There are times when my anxious thoughts get the best of me. It can be quite frustrating if I am honest. It generally begins with a super early bathroom break.

Once my head hits the pillow, (from my small break) it seems like everything from to do lists, to things I am concerned about wake up. When this happens it becomes almost impossible to calm myself down. This leads my brain to begin putting thoughts and plans together generally from 3am -11 pm.

Sometimes this works, in my favor and I get a lot accomplished. Other times I just create things to do during this time because I can not stop my mind.

This week I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit pray with the purpose of giving "thanks" to God. Now, this is not the first time I have prayed or tried to pray myself back to sleep, however, this time I had a strategic and intentional effort.

I begin to share with God, that I sensed my body still needed rest, and I asked God our Father, to help me to tap into that rest. Next, I began to proceed to focus on channeling my anxious energy into a the place in me that was already resting.

However, there was that part of me that was anxious and awake. That part, needed my attention for the purpose of rest. So, I decided to channel that energy and think about God and his goodness.

As I lay in the posture of prayer, mentally, emotionally and physically, I could feel the Spirit of God sending me people to pray for from a peaceful and restful place.

Before long, my alarm was going off, and I had not recollection of when I feel asleep. This is the best way I can explain. I did it several nights this past week and it worked both times. For that I thankful.

I believe that happened because of a creating an intentional space to praise God daily, using the Psalms. Take a look at what I had already had in my space of praise.

Here are the next 5 days of praise

Day 16

Psalms 107

"He stilled the storm to a Whisper; The waves of the sea were hushed" Psalms 107:28

Day 17

Psalms 108

"My heart O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with my soul". Psalms 108:1

Day 18

Psalms 109

"With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the Lord; And in the midst of many I will praise Him." Psalms 109:30

Day 19

Psalms 110

"The Lord said unto my Lord sit at My right hand until I make thine enemies Thy Footstool"

Psalms 110:1

Day 20

Psalms 111

"He has made His wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion" Psalms 111:4

It is my prayer again today, that you are encouraged to get your FaceTime in today. Pray and Praise with a purpose.

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