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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Surrendering to God's Plan of Love

Welcome!!! I know its been a minute. I came into this year, with a bag from last year. A few days before Christmas Covid-19 hit our home. One child after another. Ending with four children getting. So rolling into the new year we were in recovery mode. Which meant Mom was a little exhausted and slightly overwhelmed. That was just the beginning. So much to tell, but this is not the time. However, what I can say its last months thought "Embrace God's Plan with Patience" was a key to my survival with peace and joy.

I have been experiencing the same with this months thought "Surrender to God's Love Plan" or "Surrendering to God's Plan of Love. Which ever is your flavor. I hear them both and I am opening myself.

Surrender??? What in the World is being asked of me? Those were my thoughts when I heard the Lord speak that to me. Let's check out the definition of Surrender.

Surrender means we

- yield to the power, control or possession of another upon compulsion or demand

-give up completely

-agree to forgo especially in favor of another

That's something to Ponder over, surrender. What does that look like when it comes to God's Plan? Do you even know what God's plan is for you? Can you personally trust Gods Plan?

But wait, not just Surrender to God's Plan, but Surrender to God's Plan of Love. God's Plan not only includes Love its based on Love.

Everlasting love, from the beginning. For this I am grateful.

Gods Love

-never gives up

-cares more for others than for self

-doesn't want what it doesn't have

-doesn't strut

-doesn't have a swelled head

-doesn't for it's self on others

-Isn't always "me first"

-doesn't fly off the handle

-doesn't keep score of the sins of others

-doesn't revel when others grovel,

-takes pleasure in the flowering of truth

-Puts up with anything

-Trust God always

-Always looks for the best

-Never looks back

-keeps going to the end.

Love NEVER Dies.

1 Corithinans 13: 7-8 (Message Bible)

Wow!!! Surrendering to God's Plan of love. It's Gonna take a renewed mind and an open heart. But just think of all the peace that comes with LOVE. Remember not only does God have a plan for Love, God is Love and He is the Plan. Have you accepted that? Better yet, have you connected that God is Love and He is the Plan you looking for to fill your Love space.

Take a moment to meditate on the scriptures above, and any others the Lord Highlights to you. This Love is a Journey, but it is one worth taking in my opinion.

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Letricia Townsend
Letricia Townsend

Yes and amen!



GOD'S love is ETERNAL & our love is EXTERNAL.

Our love is based on conditions.

What someone looks like, how much money they make, etc..


GOD loves & accept us just like we are, we don't have to pretend to be something we're not, GOD'S love ❤️ doesn't say I'll do this if you do that, GOD'S love doesn't come with conditions it's EVERLASTING.

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