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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Set your Mind on Things Above-Worship God

What are you thinking about the way in the back of your mind? Is it Christ-centered? Where do you find your thoughts wandering throughout the day is Christ-Centered. As we close out the Month with the scripture from Galatians, I pray that we will throughout this year be reminded to "not grow weary" Key word being "grow".

We must be careful what we are cultivating in our personal vineyards. What thoughts are you planting inside your heart and mind that have the opportunity to grow when watered. This causes me to run a God check. Just before Galatians 6:9 There Galatians 6:8

I want to bring our attention to a Lady who apparently knows what it is to set your affections on things above. It's Mary of Mary and Martha. Mary seems to always be somewhere at the feet of Jesus at the proper time. Yes, Here she is again. Now she is not just sitting at his feet, she is wiping his feet, with her hair. o him.

"Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house of was filled with the fragrance of the oil." St. John 12:3

*Anointed Jesus' feet meant she was devoted to him.

Final question what fragrance is your bringing to your home? (kinda off topic but not really) Because of what she did for Jesus the entire house was filled with fragrance oil and the presence of God.

Weariness does not have a real chance to Manifest when we position ourselves (our minds) at all times upward, thinking about God and actively pursuing His will for our lives, allowing nothing and no one to remove us from that place. And when it happens we quickly adjust because we took a PAUSE!

Get your facetime in today!!!

You read it for yourself. I recommend the entire chapter.

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