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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Freedom to ReSet #1Refresh

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Welcome back to my personal Journey with the word ReSet 2021. I want to be clear about the year for my reference only. Since this is the second time the Lord has mentioned ReSet, I want to be more alert, and super clear about what the Lord is trying to say.

ReSet by definition means to set again, or set differently. Now, let's pause for a brief moment (or however long you need)....what in your life right now could use a ReSet? Omg! When I first heard the Lord whisper "ReSet" the first thing I felt was "light". I felt, for a brief moment, I could breathe. My next response was to I hold my breath, and ask God a series of questions (see the questions in the previous post)

Again I heard him say Reset!

So, after sitting down, and really listening for clarity and understanding, here are the words the Holy Spirit shared.

Refresh your experiences services your emotions and Trust me.

Today, I want to explore, briefly, the word, Refresh. Refresh means to give a new strength or energy; reinvigorate. WOW!!! You can not even imagine what that word did for me. Emotionally, I felt like the weight of the world had left my shoulders....and it was ok. I did not hear God say do away with anything (at least at the moment), but I did hear him say, I need new strength for the assignments/purpose in my life. It reminded me of Philippians 4:13

I never looked at this scripture in connection with Refresh until a couple weeks ago.

One of the things I was able understand after pondering on the word refresh, was that I had lost strength.

For me that probably meant, I added something God didn't want me to do, I failed to rest, so I could utilize the strength He had already given me for the task at hand, or I was simply holding the weight of it, and that was Gods responsiblity.

The first part of the ReSet is to be Refreshed. How do you refresh? Allow God to speak to you about you. His purpose for you right where you are today. For me, he gave me permission to Reset and Refresh taking a break from "the pressure to perform" His will. I add so much on myself to based on what I could see the Lord saying, I did not stop to consider the timing in which He wanted those things done. Then I became overwhelmed. I also had some traumatic things to happen, that I did not give myself the proper time or space to process in a healthy manner.

I personally struggle with over complicating things by doing too much. That is why I believe God gave me "Simply Living in Purpose. God's ways are simple, if we follow Him, completely.

I can be over zealous, and go over board with what God is calling me to do. I also have the habit of thinking I can do more than what I am physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of or even should do.

God is, even as I write this refreshing me. He is giving me a new strength in energy. Maybe you are like me, you have areas where you have made something so simple complex. God wants to ReSet you by refreshing your perspective on what's going on with you on the inside.

I am learning when I am my best for me, I can be my best for those connected to me. Perspective is Everything. Getting God's perspective on my life is important. It determines how successful I am at living in the purpose He has for me.

Ask God how he wants to refresh you today. Trust me He has a plan for it. Listen to the small voice that maybe telling to to stop, pause, regroup. Don't worry about what others think, just obey the Lord.

If your not clear, you can gain clarity through his word. Get your FaceTime in today. Psalms 91 is a good Psalms to read, when you need God's protection, even from you and your destructive ways. God wants you free.

Next Let's talk about Refresh again, but in terms of Emotions. "Refresh your Emotions". Talk to you soon...

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