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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

"Fall Forward, Say Yes Again"

*Note to self, Going back is not an option

Today, I sit at the feet of Jesus, looking, seeking for Him to speak a word for me and for me to share. He reminds, me that its ok to "Refresh my Yes" to Him. As we live on this this earth, no matter how connected we may think we are and no matter how long we have been establishing our relationship with God, life can happen and totally get you off track.

Here is the kicker, we think we are ok enough to jump right back on track without a word or moments notice. It is a great thing, that we serve an All knowing, All seeing God.

However, in any relationship there needs to be some communications as to where the relationship is now, after the derailing. I think this can be crucial to any relationship. Where are we now. In my mind, it calls for a check in. Have you checked in with God lately?

Have you checked-in after he answered your prayer? Have you checked-in after the diagnosis did or did not go your way? Have you checked-in after your emotional break down? Have your checked- in after the loss or divorce?

Or did you try and pick up were you left off?

I hear God, saying check-in. "Say yes to me Again! Let's renew our relationship. I have so much more for you. You can't even Imagine."

Saying Yes Again, Looks like the following.

-Say Yes to the Spirit of God Today

-Fall Forward into God's Presence anew

-Remember you are a new creation

-Remember God has reconciled you to Himself for Himself

-Remember, Your Past represents what God "did"/your flesh is an example of what your past looks like. Don't Yield to it

-Remember you have been chosen by God

-Fall simply means to surrendor

The dirt and grime from the cares of life, can leave us confused and forgetting our call and our purpose. Today, God is calling us to Fall Forward, Forget All that life had dealt us and be renewed in Him. This is not easy, but to get the process started, it begins with asking for forgiveness from God.

Forgive me Lord for looking at my situation more than you. Forgive me Lord for taking matters into my own hands and disrupting the peace you gave to me. Are you getting it?

Once this relationship is restored, you can MOVE FORWARD to the Abundance God has for you. His abundance for us is wrapped up in His purpose for our lives.

Get your FaceTime time in today. God wants to hear from you. He has something to share with you that will allow you to let go of your past and step into you future with excited and confidence. God has an abundant life for His children. I gave a glimpse of the scriptures God shared with me. I encourage you to read the entire Chapter 3 of Philippians, 2 Corinthians 5:12-21.

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