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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Face Time Psalms 90 "Simply Live in Purpose"

Oh, happy day! We made it to our 90th day of praying the Psalms. I am so glad that you have been along with me for this amazing ride. Well, let's get right into the business of Psalms 90. As I was reading through these Psalms, I was wondering what it all means to me in my current walk with God. And I thought of the Phrase, "Simply Living in Purpose" or "SLIP". In my early walk with Christ, I remember the beginning stages of searching for my purpose. That road has to lead me to so much frustration, confusion, excitement, and disillusions. How about you?

I read scriptures about gifts and see which one was matching up. I listened to people tell me about my gifts and talents. I also took a few gift assessments, all in hopes of finding what it was God wanted me to do with my life. And if I'm honest, nothing was satisfying for any significant amount of time.

As I began my "freedom" journey about 4 years ago, I have been able to understand that my purpose is what I was created to do each day. Each day leads us to make a difference and impact in the world around us. Our homes, our jobs, our communities, our churches, etc. So, why is it that we have to take ourselves through the excruciating pain of "searching" for our purpose when purpose hits us the moment our feet touch the floor? The first is to give our day to the Lord. Accept Him as the Lord of the day, Praise Him, and seek Him for direction. #facetime

I think we have a natural reaction to look and others and compare. However, that's not wise! What if we just seek God for His will and purpose in our lives daily. This will cause us to be moved by our daily activities, and not by our future dreams. These Psalms give a clear indication, that life is short and filled with trouble. However, through it all, God is our refuge, always has and always will be. Therefore, we must remain connected to Him daily, so we don't get sidetracked by the enemy luring us into tomorrow or keeping us bound to yesterday. There is a lot in this Psalms, so get your face-Time in today. Here are my absolute favorite verses in the Psalms

vs 1 "Lord you have bee our dwelling place in all generations."

vs 4 "For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it is past."

vs 12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

vs 14 "Oh satisfy us early with your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."

vs 17 "Let the beauty of the Lord be upon us, And establish the works of our hands for us; Yes establish the work of our hands.

This Lord is saying, Rest in Him! Thank you, Father, for the rest we have when we take refuge in you daily. Therefore, we ask as the Psalmists ask, "Lord teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom." In Jesus' name, we pray Amen.

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