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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Face-Time Proverbs 25 "Wisdom has self-control"

I have shared with you the Phrase the Lord has given me for the month of April, "Surrendered Boundaries" and on our prayer line, God has shared more intimately what that looks like at least for the word "surrender". Now on the prayer line for the next two days, we will talk more about "boundaries. When boundaries are placed it often means "the setting of limits or limitations". Like drawing a line in the sand, in its simplest way. Boundaries are also things we put in place in order to let other's know what is acceptable behavior.

Self-discipline is a boundary that I personally believe the Lord has given each of us permission to access so that we can remain in line with His will for our lives. When we utilize self-discipline, we don't allow people, places, or things to distract us from the course or plan God has for us.

Let's ponder for a moment the Garden of Eden. Way, back in the beginning, God gave clear instructions, "Do Not Eat", Genesis so that you won't die. (Genesis 2:17) That was it, plain and simple. Let's think about that in terms of our topic today, "Wisdom has self-control. Or in terms of the phrase of the Month, Wisdom has boundaries. Well, we know the results of what happened. However, for a refresher read Geneses chapter 1-3.

What would your life be like if you had the right boundaries, self-discipline in place in all areas of your life. Well in order to maintain self-control we need wisdom. The wisdom to seek God daily is so important. He will give us what we need to make it through and it keeps self-discipline in tack, if we only "Listen and obey", "trust the process", and "refuse to get weary in well-doing".

There are oh, so many wise sayings in these proverbs. Here are just a couple I have taken as nuggets for my day

vs 2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter."

vs 11" A word is fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver"

vs 13 "Like th3e cold of snow in the time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters"

vs 19 "Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble Is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint"

Get your face time in today and see what amazing nuggets God has for you today that will help you with self-discipline.

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