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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Face-Time Proverbs 14 "Wisdom Builds"

I think today's caption says it all! Omg!!! Look at the many hats we wear as women. God has entrusted so much to us. What an honor it is to be a Woman, to know other women, to have been raised by an amazing woman and her tribe of women. Can you stop for a moment and celebrate YOU!

Now the reality is that building all of those things can be overwhelming! I think that's because once we as women get started on our mission, we think we have to do it ALL NoW! I know for me, I often forget to ask God for the wisdom I need to build each of the things listed. Taking time to seek God for each of these things individually takes focus, patience, concentration, and so many other things. This month I have been reminded, that I need to stop and get God's wisdom on each of the things that concern me. Even as I am typing not, I know have failed to ask for the wisdom I need for the day. Not necessarily the (although that is important, but wisdom. How about you, have you asked God for the wisdom you need to build your house today.

The Truth is God has everything we need. Remember James says " Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

Father, I stop at this very moment and ask you for the wisdom I need to build my home today. Show me what to do and how to get it done. Also, help me Lord to show up at the right time for the right things so that the right results will show up. Thank you for the honor you have placed on me to build my home. Thank you for the wisdom you are giving me even now. In Jesus' name Amen!

Get your face time in today. There are so many nuggets in these Proverbs. For all the males reading this, pray for the women in your lives.

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