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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Face Time

Focused Attention Concentrated Effort

As I focus on the Psalms 31 readings, today's Psalms is #19. I love this Pslams because it talks about who God is. It expresses how nature itself speaks of God. "The Heavens declare the Glory of God' And the Firmament shows His handwork." (Pslams 19:1) It reminds me to stop and take notice of God through his creation which includes nature. Have you noticed lately how skillful our God is. How strategic, how mindful, how purposeful, and how intentional He is.

It continues on to give me food for thought until finally, it ends with "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart Be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my strength and my Redeemer." Pslams 19:14

God Is My Strength and My Redeemer! Thank you Father for that great Nugget during our Face Time, you are my Strength and my Redeemer. Help me to walk, live and rest in your strength, redeem me from any negative energy or mindset. In Jesus Name Amen!

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