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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Can I reverse my Shame with Blame?

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

Have you ever took on blame as a cover up or justification for the shame you feel or felt inside? I think if we are honest most of us if not all of us can relate to this in some areas of our lives. To take it a step further, blame God for our shame.

Shhh...that's a no no in the Christian world. We don't blame God for our problems, after all He is the creator. But let's have an honest conversation, please. We can not be delivered or free from shame if we continue to hide behind shame with blame.

In Genesis chapter 15, Sarai said, "The Lord hath restrained me from bearing". That is an interesting approach to what she considered to her problem or barrenness. I say interesting because it was just 10 years ago when God said, to Sarai and her husband Abram, they would have a son. I think God was very specific.

God is not on our time. How many times has "seeing through your eyes" caused you to miss God's timing for your life? If your like me, countless. This is because God is infinite and we are finite. We can't see past the end of our nose (as the elders would say) but God see all the way to the end of our lives. After all He is "Alpha and Omega"

The reality is we can never reverse shame with blame, no matter how it good it feels to place blame on others, including God. We can only reverse shame with the right perspective, and that to me means seeing ourselves through the "eyes of Jesus", not through our own eyes.

Get your face time in today, journey back to Genesis chapter 15 and move forward to Genesis 16. How would that have played out differently if Sarai, could have only seen her ability to not have children at that time through the eyes of God. However, it all worked out for good.

Be encouraged today. There is no blame to cover our shame. Reverse your shame today. Move from being shamed to becoming unashamed cuz its all apart of God's plan. And guess what if you are still breathing, the plan is not over. Keep showing up everyday.

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