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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Calling on the Names of Jesus 30 & 31

Jesus our Cornerstone. I like to say the "Chief Cornerstone". Just for a moment, wrap your mind around this...

Builders use cornerstones in their construction projects. A cornerstone was the principal stone, generally placed at the edifice to guide workers in their course. The Cornerstone was in most cases the largest and most solid,most carefully constructed of edifice.

Jesus is described in the Bible as the "cornerstone" that His church would be built upon. He is our foundation.

*Note: Once the cornerstone is set, it becomes the basis for determine every measurement in the remaining Construction. I am so grateful I can look to Jesus as my standard of measure and alignment.

Jesus our Rock. Glory to God!!!

Jesus, our Rock, our Foundation, our stability our strength, our comfort, our security and our peace.

Experienced builders understand this truth, a structure can not endure unless its foundation is strong. the words Rock and stone are used in the scriptures as metaphors signifying strength, steadiness, and durability.

Jesus our Rock.

As we end this segment of calling one Names of Jesus, it my prayer that you continue on with getting to know Jesus for yourself. What's in a Name, EVERYTHING. ENJOY THE SONG BELOW I remember it from a little girl. I did not understand it then, but I am gaining more understanding with every passing Year.

Have a Blessed New Year!!!! Seeing with Fresh eyes 2022

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