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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Calling on the Names of Jesus 20 & 21

Jesus, has given us Access to Life with God! His main purpose in coming into the world (the way he came) was to reconnect us with the Father. Sin had damaged that relationship so badly, only God Himself, could restore us. Jesus as the life means that He is the communication of God to us!

Thank you Jesus, for being our light which gives us access to see our Life with you and the Father.

King Jesus is coming!!!This is what stood out to me after reading this verse in Zechariah. Then, I thought about the word King. A King is by definition is a male ruler of an independent state, generally one who inherits the position by right or birth.

Jesus our King is so much more than that. He is our perfect, righteous and loving King. Jesus our King is absolutely sovereign in His Authority and eternal in HIs reign. Glory to God.

Jesus our Life and our King! He brings life and rules and reigns in and over our life. Get your face time in and look deeper into Jesus as access to our life in God. And Jesus as our King. He is coming again.

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