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Writer's pictureLetricia Townsend

Calling on the Names of Jesus 14 & 15

Jesus, the AUTHOR AND PERFECTOR of our Faith! That's a lot to unpack and meditate on.

Author is a creator or originator of any written work such as books or plays. Jesus has already has our story (plan) written out.

Pefector is one that perfects. Jesus completes us and makes us perfects by giving us the plan to our life day by day.

Jesus, our great High Priest has passed through the heavens to the very presence of God, where He is seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus, our High Priest brings a unique level of intimacy with the Father and a stability for our soul.

My favorite part about Jesus, our great high priest is the fact the He is sympathetic to my weaknesses.

Another pair of the names of Jesus, that set my soul on fire. I tell you God knows what he is doing. What He calls for He, God provides for. This month He wanted me to focus more on Jesus than my circumstances. If you have been following me, I believe it is His desire for you as well.

Get your FaceTime in today. Begin with the scriptures mentioned in this blog, but don't limit yourself. Research and study on your on. You will be surprised what you learn just be reading the entire chapter from the scriptures mentioned.

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