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A Reclusive Weariness

Do you know when you are exhibiting reclusive behavior? Well first of all what does it mean to be reclusive? It means avoiding being in the presence of others. It's when someone begins to retreat to and with themselves. Are you aware when this happens, and more importantly why does happen?

My personal thoughts are why this happens to me is I have become weary about the cares of life. Let me take it a step further and say some times I have become weary with my God assignment. The assignment has a lot of twists and turns, and while I am trying to do good, it seems the adversary is using other people to fight me on every hand. Guess what? It can make me physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. When this happens I become reclusive. I don't want to be around people, because I am agitated. I just want to be left alone. However, what I really need is to take a moment and allow the HOLY SPIRIT TO REFRESH AND RESTORE ME.

One bible character that comes to mind is the Prophet Elijah. As I read about the story of the prophet Elijah I realize more and more what the "Let us not grow weary in well doing" (Galations 6:9) can look like.

Elijah's story is found in 1Kings chapters17 -19. The chapters are long and filled with specific details regarding Elijahs assignments.

In a brief summary it looks like this ...Elijah first comes on the scene proclaiming a drought, then the Lord tells Him to go Hide. While hiding God takes care of Elijah by sending the Ravens to bring food until the brook dries. Once the brook is dry the Lord comes back. Next, he heals the widow's son. The Lord told him to go to the Widows house, and there she would be his Provision, however, while there her sons diedn and Elijah bringd him back to life. Next, he had the challenge of defeating the prophets of Baal. Then immediatley after this Elijah has a hit out him by Jezebel. Can you imagine how tired he must have been?

Finally, in chapter 19, after all of this Elijah wants to call it quits, and die. "But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers." 1 Kings 19:4

Once you get in the space of being weary which can lead to reclusiveness the next thing to do is to check out of life. Many will not want admit it, but it happens. Don't be weary about the tasks behind you, exiting right now, or the furture tasks. Let;s trust Gd for our daily supply of whatever you need.

Get some face time in today. This is a great read. Look what Elijah couild have missed had he given up too soon. You will find his assignment was just about up.

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